Watershed District board approves wage increase for all staff
Following a survey to determine accurate job descriptions and competitive pay for Shell Rock River Watershed District employees, the watershed board approved pay increases of up to 19% for some of the district staff.
Recommendations on staff pay came following a wage survey conducted by Noah & Associates Inc. The raises, said Watershed District board vice chairman and personnel committee member Mick Delger, reflected an increase in duties, an adjustment recommended based on performance reviews and salary guidelines and wages consistent with nine salary surveys of nonprofit and for-profit businesses. This data also included published survey data for government jurisdictions in the southeast region of Minnesota, including cities, counties, state government data and metro watershed district data, the executive summary of compensation recommendations said.
For more visit: https://www.albertleatribune.com/2019/06/watershed-district-board-approves-wage-increase-for-all-staff/