As 2019 comes to a close, the Shell Rock River Watershed District (SRRWD) Board of Managers and staff would like to take a moment to appreciate the past year. Listed below are some of the projects the District initiated, continues to work on, or completed this year.
Fountain Lake Restoration Project: As of November 1, 2019, over 617,000 cubic yards of sediment was dredged from Edgewater Bay, Fountain Lake.
While still partway through Phase 1, the dredging of Edgewater Bay, the District approved approved another contract with J.F. Brennan Co. Inc. for Phase 2- Main Bay and Dane's Bay.
Confined Disposal Facility (CDF) Cells 2&3: Construction progress was made on the 42 acres site that will hold dredged material from Phase 2 - Main Bay and Dane's Bay.
Fountain Lake In-Lake Habitat Restoration - Project Initiation: The installation of woody and rocky in-lake habitat will benefit fish after dredging.
Minnesota Governor's Fishing Opener: The District helped host the 72nd Annual Minnesota Governor's Fishing Opener on Fountain Lake.
Owen's Wetland Restoration - Substantial Completion Fall 2019: Located at the corner of U.S. Highway 69 and Country Road 17, the project included disabling and plugging drain tile and installing a water level management structure to hold water in the Pickerel Lake subwatershed and reduce the rapid water level rise on Pickerel Lake. Substantial completion
Pioneer Park Restoration - Project Establishment: Located along Fountain Lake, the project was designed to restore the lakeshore, prevent future degradation, and improve lake habitat with woody structures.
Wasmoen Wetland Restoration - Construction Underway: Located north of County Road 17 and bordering the west side of Pickerel Lake, the project includes modifications to subsurface tile drainage, installation of surface water intakes and berm installations for the creation of 32 wetlands. The wetlands complement the site seeding restoration of approximately 248 acres of native prairie that was once an agricultural field.
Upper and Lower Twin Lake Projects - Construction Underway: Conjoined Upper and Lower Twin Lakes will be separated with the help of a pump station intended to allow the lakes to be managed independently of each other. A rock berm fish barrier will be installed at the outlet of Lower Twin Lake to prevent the movement of rough fish into the chain of lakes.
One Watershed, One Plan (1W1P): The SRRWD and Winnebago planning areas continue to work together to develop a comprehensive watershed management plan.
Credit Trading Pilot Program: The SRRWD continues to work collaboratively on a transferable approach for sediment and nutrient credit trading for stormwater.
Water Monitoring Program: The SRRWD regularly monitored its lakes for several water quality indicators and will summarized the data in the Clean Water Annual Report.
Grant Allocation: The Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council (LSOHC) allocated over $2 million dollars to the SRRWD for the Habitat Restoration Program - Phase 8. The SRRWD submitted their application for Phase 9 funding.
Minnesota GreenCorp Member: Claire Kretchman-Grande served an 11-month term at the SRRWD and was instrumental in her education and outreach efforts related to stormwater including implementing the Adopt-a-Drain program, designing rain gardens, and promoting the District's cost share program.
Community Outreach: Implemented a weekly online newsletter, increased social media presence, presented at numerous service clubs and schools, participated and/or co-sponsored community initiatives such as Wind Down Wednesday, Freeborn County Fair, Albert Lea Anglers and the Reel Paddling Film Festival.