District Wraps Up 1st Year of Dredging, Prepares for Next

It’s both the end and the beginning of dredging on Fountain Lake as the Watershed District wrapped up dredging for 2018 on Friday and set bidding for the second contract in motion at the Tuesday board meeting.

J.F. Brennan, the dredging and marine construction company awarded the dredging contract for phase one, stopped dredging Edgewater Bay Friday and is now winterizing the dredge. Watershed District Administrator Andy Henschel said the company is finishing early this season because they have removed roughly 300,000 cubic yards of sediment. This puts them on pace with its contract.

For more: https://www.albertleatribune.com/2018/10/district-wraps-up-1st-year-of-dredging-prepares-for-next/