Watershed District to Request Additional $7.5M from State for Dredging

The Shell Rock River Watershed District board of managers is keeping an eye on the completion of its dredging project on Fountain Lake, approving a recommendation to request an additional $7.5 million in state bonding dollars.

Should the state double down on funds — it granted $7.5 million to the Watershed District in 2014 to be used for dredging — that money would be used for the third dredging contract. The request would allow dredging to continue from City Beach to the dam as well as limited dredging of Bancroft Bay, Shell Rock River Watershed District Administrator Henschel said.

For more visit: https://www.albertleatribune.com/2019/05/watershed-district-to-request-additional-7-5m-from-state-for-dredging/