Public Notice: Public Hearing Set for Shell Rock and Winnebago 1W1P


CONTACT: Courtney Phillips, Shell Rock River Watershed District





Public hearing set for Shell Rock and Winnebago 1W1P

Citizens can provide comment Thursday to Policy Committee in Albert Lea


Albert Lea, Minn. – Saturday, January 8, 2022 – After two years in the works, a draft plan for managing water in Minnesota’s Shell Rock and Winnebago Watershed is nearing completion, which, in turn, will open new funding from the state for projects.

                A public hearing on the draft plan for the Shell Rock and Winnebago One Watershed, One Plan is scheduled for 5 p.m. Thursday, January 20, 2022 in the Freeborn County Board Room on the second floor of the Historic Courthouse located at 411 South Broadway in Albert Lea.

The Shell Rock and Winnebago River 1W1P’s Policy Committee will hear public input on the draft comprehensive water-management plan that sets goals and strategies for a 10-year period. The public can view the draft plan online on the Shell Rock River Watershed District’s website (

Under 1W1P, the state aims to create plans based on watershed boundaries rather than smaller, political boundaries. This will ensure that the most significant threats to a watershed’s water resources, including surface and ground water, are addressed with practices providing the greatest environmental benefits. The plan will not add a new layer of government.

It intends to provide a framework for consistency and cooperation on a watershed basis, allowing local governments to work together to implement projects with the highest return on investment for improving water quality and water quantity. 

Partners in the One Watershed, One Plan effort include the Shell Rock River Watershed District, Freeborn County, Freeborn Soil and Water Conservation District, and the City of Albert Lea.