Stables Area 2015-2016
The Albert Lea City Council approved a joint powers agreement that aims to reduce flooding in Albert Lea. The council and the Shell Rock River Watershed District agreed to collaborate on the Stables area flood mitigation project that involves capturing excess rainwater and storing it upstream. The District is looking at constructing a large storm water basin south of the City Transfer Station on the North side of Albert Lea, on City property. The agreement gives the District permission to construct the approximately 20-acre basin. The project is estimated to cost $1.2 million and will be paid for through state funding and the half-cent sales tax the District has implemented. The District will run storm water piping from the Stables area at a collection point where the water will be placed into the flood mitigation basin. The Stables area covers an approximately 438 acre area southwest of the transfer station. Anticipated construction will start in early 2016 and is expected to be complete in the fall of 2016.