Habitat Restoration Program – LSOHC 2015

The Shell Rock River Watershed District’s Watershed Habitat Restoration Program is a five-year, $20 million watershed-wide effort to restore, protect and enhance degraded habitat conditions through the implementation of projects on a lake-shed basis. The District has submitted Phase 4 and Phase 5 of the Habitat Restoration Program and has received funds from the LSOHC to enhance and protect critical shallow lake, wetland and stream bank habitat benefitting fish, waterfowl and wildlife populations.

The results of the Program will be restoration of desirable fish, waterfowl and wildlife populations, enhanced native aquatic root vegetation, increased fish habitat and spawning areas, waterfowl nesting areas, re-establish and connect flyway habitat, wildlife habitat and will protect the watershed from invasive species. The vision is to establish waterfowl and fish populations to create the wildlife mecca recorded in the late 1800’s.